Jolly japes

Created by Gordon 24 days ago

While listening to my music with my headphones with my eyes closed in my bedroom Paul crept into the room and placed his face within about an inch of mine. Sensing someone had entered the room I opened my eyes and flew backwards in shock and slammed my head on the wall behind. Paul thought it was hilarious as I held my aching head. 

Another time, I had gone to bed while Paul was working a late shift and heard a noise coming from my upstairs bedroom window late in the evening. On opening the curtains I found Paul with his face pressed up against the window with a stupid look on his face. He was standing on the shelter covering the back door. Following the surprise we both burst out laughing.

These were the types of things which epitomised our relationship.

Paul was ever present throughout my life and my life has been the richer for it. Thank you Paul.